

I haven't been posting much stuff on here cause really there hasen't been anything for me to post. I have been working on a Shaqueefa Mixtape video for some 3 weeks now as a tribute to Dave Cruz moving to Hawaii. We got together to talk it over and agreed upon Robbie Kirkland and Dave having full parts and of course the homies montage in the middle. I wanted to make this not only cause I was sitting on a bunch of un-used footage, but also so Dave can play this video in Hawaii and remember all the good times with the homies. All skaters featured are from Florida with the exception of a few homies from Columbus, GA. Mostly Filmed and Edited by Myself with the help of Joe Pelham, and contributed footage from Ryan Garshel, Mike Atwood, and DJ Brethauer. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and sorry about you for missing the premiere party sucka!

1 comment:

Some Bullshit

It's like that part in Commando when Arnold grabs the dudes arm and chops it clean off with a machete..